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Showing posts from September, 2019

The Story

For the last four years, I've felt this burning desire within my heart to do something BIG. Aside from getting married and having each of my 5 kids (all really great moments. vv notable. don't get me wrong), I've experienced this particular crave-type feeling for other endeavors in my life exactly 3 times. The first moment I felt it was when I started Jessica's Princess Parties. When Jakob turned 5, we hired a Spiderman to come entertain at his birthday party. Witnessing little Jake and his total amazement at having his childhood idol AT HIS BIRTHDAY PARTY, literally brought me to tears! As soon as Spiderman left our house that day, I knew without a doubt I HAD to do this. I HAD to start my own entertainment company for little girls. I could imagine it perfectly in my mind; the costumes, the activities, the logo even. I knew it would be hugely successful because when I set my mind to something, I never settle for anything less than perfection. I put my whole h