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Let the Spirit Be Your Guide

A couple of weeks ago my Lover went out of town. This happens quite often and USUALLY isn't a big deal at our house but this time was different. This time was different because he just got a sweet new sexy truck and him leaving town meant THE TRUCK WAS MINE for a few days. 🙌🏾 I am NOT a lover of driving. To be honest, I hate it actually. But for those few days I looked for every single possible excuse to jump in the truck and drive somewhere. We need q-tips? I'm on it. You need a cold drAnk? Let's go. None of your underwear suddenly fits? Let's go shopping. I mean seriously, every single thing I could run an errand for, I did. It was glorious. I loved every moment of driving around in that truck, feeling like a bad A.

Eventually, the sad day finally arrived when I had to go pickup my Lover from the airport and end our romance. With the truck. THE TRUCK, yall! Geez. I had assumed I would drive the truck to the airport because surely he would want his truck back as soon as possible, plus I needed that final joy ride as sort of a crescendo to the love affair I had with it. Oddly, the whole day I felt unsettled about driving it to pick him up. It wasn't because it was far, I drove the truck HOME from the airport when he left, NBD. I couldn't figure out WHY I was feeling that way. I tried to ignore it and get on with my day. When it was time to leave I hopped in the truck like I had done 172 times before but as SOON as I sat in the driver's seat I felt it again, that yucky feeling. This time it was a little stronger and was accompanied by a voice in my head whispering, "Don't take the truck. Just don't." Ugh, I was annoyed. I WANTED TO DRIVE THE TRUCK! I told Isaak about my feeling because he was coming with me and he was all, "It's fine. You'll be fine. Don't worry. Let's just go." And since I always take life altering advice from my 11 year old, I agreed. He was right. I was over reacting. How would this drive be any different from all the 172 errands I ran the past few days? I backed out of the driveway, drove through the neighborhood, and came to the stop sign to leave the hood and be on our way. As SOON as I stopped at the stop sign, it happened one final time. My stomach turned. I felt a heaviness and blah and then the voice in my head came back. "Jessica. Please turn around. Do not take the truck. Just switch cars. This is your last chance to make the right decision." AArrGHHhhhHh!!!! Fine. FINE FINE FINE. I made a big u-turn, drove back though the neighborhood and parked the truck in the driveway. Isaak looked up at me confused. I was so annoyed I didn't explain right away. I just said in my angry mom voice, "We're taking my car."

There was total silence in the car until we got on the highway. I was too mad to speak or explain anything. Then as SOON as we merged into the crazy speeding traffic of the highway, an 18-wheeler from a couple cars ahead of us had a blowout with one of their tires. The surrounding cars reacted by swerving left and right and all over which created even more of a panic for everyone. Then a massive chunk of the tire came flying directly at us! I tried to miss being hit by it but there were cars on both sides of my car so I just gripped my steering wheel as tight as possible, screamed at Isaak to duck down, and in all the chaos of what felt like a dream I watched that tire slam through my windshield shattering glass into every directio…

Just kidding. That didn't happen. Did I freak you out? Cuz, yall. The real story is that NOTHING happened on the way to the airport in my car. We got to the airport safe and sound without even so much as a close call. I was so confused. I thought SURELY I would find out the reason for those impressions. But no, I didn’t. And if I recall correctly, most of the time when I listen to the spirit nothing happens. Don't get me wrong, I've witnessed some pretty spectacular miracles that were led by the spirit and the promptings I've felt. But the majority of the time, nothing big happens. And I may be assuming, but I'm pretty sure it's like that for most of us. We never find out what WOULD have happened if we didn't listen or even what DID happen because we listened. Maybe sometimes if we're lucky we do! But usually? Nope. My point in writing this post is to help ME remember that listening to the spirit isn't always about getting that satisfaction afterward that you KNOW you did the right thing because Karen down the street was having a bad day and said a prayer that someone would pick up her dog poop and you just happened to be walking by and saw the pile of steaming poo and felt prompted to grab it and then Karen ran outside to tell you how you were the answer to her dog poop prayer that day! (I hope you read that incredibly long sentence all in one breath because that's how I meant for it to be read. If not, try again.) No. It's not like that. I seem to think it is or SHOULD be but I'm wrong in that assumption. Sometimes it's about those around me needing something that I'll never find out about, sometimes it's an obedience test to see if I'll do what is being asked even if it's doesn't make sense, is awkward, or out of my comfort zone, and ALWAYS it's a strengthening tool to add threads to the rope that ties me to my Savior. 

Regardless of what purpose it's serving, the secret to being a ⭐️RocKsTaR⭐️ is: JUST LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT NO MATTER WHAT. I have a testimony that doing so will bless you in countless ways. ♥️

Okay, now rewind a bit back to the REAL story as we headed to the airport to get my Lover:

Once I finally was able to let out some stream and calm down, I decided to explain to Isaak what just happened. I knew it would be a valuable teaching moment for him about listening to the spirit even when it doesn't make sense. I told him about the feelings I had been experiencing all day, then again when we got in the truck to leave, and then finally as we came to the stop sign to leave the neighborhood. I described to him how the feeling/prompting got a teense stronger each time it presented itself. I told him how it was inconvenient for me to turn around; it was irritating to me to have to drive my car. I knew dad would bebummed he didn't have his truck to drive home from the airport. There were so many reasons why taking the truck made more sense but I chose instead, to let the spirit be my guide. I had to tell myself that I would much rather take my car and nothing bad happen and I never think about it again, than take dad's truck going against the feelings I had felt and then something terrible happen and I regret not listening to that prompting for the rest of my life. I explained to Isaak that sometimes we receive impressions or promptings or feelings and we are unsure if it's the spirit or if it's just our own heads psyching us out, making it difficult to know if you should obey. I told him that was exactly how I felt today. I was confused and that's NORMAL, even for a mom. But my rule of thumb in those situations is to ask myself, "Is what I’m being asked to do a positive safe thing? Is it good or bad?" And if I don't see any harm in doing whatever it is, I assume it's the spirit. Maybe sometimes it isn't. Maybe sometimes it's just my head being crazy. My head has quite the reputation for being spontaneously weird, I won't lie. Who knows! No harm in it if I follow my rule of thumb. But if it IS the spirit, I'm building a stronger relationship between Heavenly Father and myself by listening. I'm possibly answering someone's prayer. I could be avoiding a rotten situation. AND each time I act on the spirit in faith and trust, the promptings become more clear-cut and emphatic for me next time. Isaak continues to impress me every day with his outlook and understanding of life and this time was no different. He agreed on everything and said he was glad I took my car and listened to the spirit. He even pointed out to me, "Just because something may not happen as we drive to the airport in YOUR car, doesn't mean we would have been safe in dad's truck too. What if us taking the truck back to the house delayed our trip just enough to avoid something terrible. You just never know, mom." I mean, COME ON. Isn't he the greatest?!

I've decided to make it a new personal goal of mine to always ACT on the spirit when I feel/hear it, no matter WHAT it is. Even if it's just my crazy head saying silly stuff, as long as it's good and positive. Obvs. Pff. 😂 Now please enjoy my most recent spontaneous moment that happened the other day on the treadmill right smack in the middle of a conversation with my friend. It may or may not have been the spirit that whispered this prompting to me, but it was an EXCEPTIONALLY positive impression so of course, I had to act on it. 😏👊🏾


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